<script type="text/javascript">
var tabbedTOC = {
blogUrl: "//www.phuongblog.com/",
containerId: "tabbed-toc", // Container ID
activeTab: 5, // The default active tab index (default: the first tab)
showDates: true, // `true` to show the post date
showSummaries: true, // `true` to show the posts summaries
numChars: 200, // Number of summary chars
showThumbnails: true, // `true` to show the posts thumbnails (Not recommended)
thumbSize: 40, // Thumbnail size
noThumb: "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjba6ApvPanKOjlDCrm2mlfso0d9n4xyiUnwUPRlPzylNPxKQNPSXxS3hIYESMlfU2jXSob6msTakAezczWHFIVWpl_DNx3WeJ6kN7REkKOD4us8-Tisi9_cNMpxfVKcaE8quFIAFCg4Ns/s72-no/grey.png", // A "no thumbnail" URL
monthNames: [ // Array of month names
newTabLink: true, // Open link in new window?
maxResults: 99999, // Maximum post results
preload: 0, // Load the feed after 0 seconds (option => time in milliseconds || "onload")
sortAlphabetically: false, // `false` to sort posts by published date
showNew: 7, // `false` to hide the "New!" mark in most recent posts, or define how many recent posts are to be marked
newText: " - <em style='color:red;'>New!</em>" // HTML for the "New!" text
<script type="text/javascript">
var tabbedTOC_defaults = {
blogUrl: "//www.phuongblog.com/", // Blog URL
containerId: "tabbed-toc", // Container ID
activeTab: 1, // The default active tab index (default: the first tab)
showDates: false, // true to show the post date
showSummaries: false, // true to show the posts summaries
numChars: 200, // Number of summary chars
showThumbnails: false, // true to show the posts thumbnails (Not recommended)
thumbSize: 40, // Thumbnail size
noThumb: "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vpCFysMEZys/UOEhSGjkfnI/AAAAAAAAFwY/h1wuA5kfEhg/s72-c/grey.png", // No thumbnail URL
monthNames: [ // Array of month names
newTabLink: true, // Open link in new window?
maxResults: 99999, // Maximum posts result
preload: 0, // Load the feed after 0 seconds (option => time in milliseconds || "onload")
sortAlphabetically: true, // `false` to sort posts by date
showNew: false, // `false` to hide the "New!" mark in most recent posts, or define how many recent posts are to be marked
newText: " - <em style='color:red;'>Phương Blog</em>" // HTML for the "New!" text
for (var i in tabbedTOC_defaults) {
tabbedTOC_defaults[i] = (typeof(tabbedTOC[i]) !== undefined && typeof(tabbedTOC[i]) !== 'undefined') ? tabbedTOC[i] : tabbedTOC_defaults[i];
function clickTab(pos) {
var a = document.getElementById(tabbedTOC_defaults.containerId),
b = a.getElementsByTagName('ol'),
c = a.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0],
d = c.getElementsByTagName('a');
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b[t].style.display = "none";
b[parseInt(pos, 10)].style.display = "block";
for (var u = 0; u < d.length; u++) {
d[u].className = "";
d[parseInt(pos, 10)].className = "active-tab";
function showTabs(json) {
var total = parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10),
c = tabbedTOC_defaults,
entry = json.feed.entry,
category = json.feed.category,
skeleton = "",
newPosts = [];
for (var g = 0; g < (c.showNew === true ? 5 : c.showNew); g++) {
if (g == entry.length) break;
entry[g].title.$t = entry[g].title.$t + (c.showNew !== false ? c.newText : '');
// Build the tabs skeleton
skeleton = '<span class="divider-layer"></span><ul class="toc-tabs">';
for (var h = 0, cen = category.length; h < cen; h++) {
skeleton += '<li class="toc-tab-item-' + h + '"><a href="javascript:clickTab(' + h + ');">' + category[h].term + '</a></li>';
skeleton += '</ul>';
// Bulid the tabs contents skeleton
skeleton += '<div class="toc-content">';
for (var i = 0, cnt = category.length; i < cnt; i++) {
skeleton += '<ol class="panel" data-category="' + category[i].term + '"';
skeleton += (i != (c.activeTab-1)) ? ' style="display:none;"' : '';
skeleton += '>';
for (var j = 0; j < total; j++) {
if (j == entry.length) break;
var link, entries = entry[j],
pub = entries.published.$t, // Get the post date
month = c.monthNames, // Month array from the configuration
title = entries.title.$t, // Get the post title
summary = ("summary" in entries && c.showSummaries === true) ? entries.summary.$t.replace(/<(.*?)>/g,"").substring(0,c.numChars) + '…' : '', // Get the post summary
img = ("media$thumbnail" in entries && c.showThumbnails === true) ? '<img class="thumbnail" style="width:'+c.thumbSize+'px;height:'+c.thumbSize+'px;" alt="" src="' + entries.media$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s72(\-c)?\//,"/s"+c.thumbSize+"-c/") + '"/>' : '<img class="thumbnail" style="width:'+c.thumbSize+'px;height:'+c.thumbSize+'px;" alt="" src="' + c.noThumb.replace(/\/s72(\-c)?\//,"/s"+c.thumbSize+"-c/") + '"/>', // Get the post thumbnail
cat = (entries.category) ? entries.category : [], // Post categories
date = (c.showDates) ? '<time datetime="' + pub + '" title="' + pub + '">' + pub.substring(8,10) + ' ' + month[parseInt(pub.substring(5,7),10)-1] + ' ' + pub.substring(0,4) + '</time>' : ''; // Formated published date
for (var k = 0; k < entries.link.length; k++) {
if (entries.link[k].rel == 'alternate') {
link = entries.link[k].href; // Get the post URL
for (var l = 0, check = cat.length; l < check; l++) {
var target = (c.newTabLink) ? ' target=""' : ''; // Open link in new window?
// Write the list skeleton only if at least one of the post...
// ... has the same category term with one of the current categories term list
if (cat[l].term == category[i].term) {
skeleton += '<li title="' + cat[l].term + '"';
skeleton += (c.showSummaries) ? ' class="bold"' : '';
skeleton += '><a href="' + link + '"' + target + '>' + title + date + '</a>';
skeleton += (c.showSummaries) ? '<span class="summary">' + img + summary + '<span style="display:block;clear:both;"></span></span>' : '';
skeleton += '</li>';
skeleton += '</ol>';